This month, Brothers Plumbing, Heating & Electric is donating $1,000 to the Lime Light Outreach’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament to benefit Dry Bones (Denver)/Purple Door Coffee.
Dry Bones Denver is a local non-profit that works with unhoused teens and young adults. They work with these young individuals to show they that they are seen and heard. They give them support with whatever they need whether it is, food, clothing, housing, counseling, or job assistance, Dry Bones’ focus is teaching these young individuals that they have worth and they are not a “problem to solve” rather a person that just needs some help and maybe some direction.
Dry Bones staff realized that most of their unhoused friends desperately desired a path out of homelessness. The lack of foundational life skills training and community support created immense barriers to joining traditional society. This realization gave life to Purple Door Coffee. Their goal was to create a self-sustaining enterprise that would provide foundational job and life skills in conjunction with strong community support.
Together, Dry Bones and Purple Door Coffee can provide a safe place for these young individuals to receive the immediate assistance they need while providing them with a long term foundation to increase their success in the workplace and in life.
We are honored to be a part of the fundraising for an event that couple potentially affect so many.
Lime Light Outreach still has tickets and sponsorship opportunities available for this year’s golf tournament. For more information you can visit the event site Here.
If you want to learn more about any of these amazing organizations, you can find their websites at
Lime Light Outreach – limelightoutreach.com
Dry Bones Denver – drybonesdenver.org
Purple Door Coffee – purpledoorcoffee.com
If you would like to stop and get a cup a coffee, Purple Door Coffee is located at 1640 Sherman Street Denver, CO 80203 (17th Ave & Sherman Street next to the Central Presbyterian Church)
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