June is National Safety Month, and while there are many avenues of practicing safety, one thing that is most important is keeping your home safe. Whether it’s how to safely perform simple home tasks or taking on more extensive projects, like updating heating and cooling systems, employing safety methods are extremely important.
As one of only four Denver based plumbing companies to carry the Technician Seal of Safety™ (our technicians are drug tested, background checked and professionally trained), we want to help. Below are some hints and tips on how to stay safe around the house.
When dealing with home electrical issues, keep in mind:
• Replace batteries in your smoke alarm twice a year and test alarms on a monthly basis.
• Use electrical socket covers to protect little ones from sticking toys or other small items in.
• Avoid plugging in too many devices, otherwise you may overload extension cords and circuits.
• Keep hairdryers and other electrical equipment away from sinks and bathtubs.
• Keep combustible materials (clothing/towels) away from halogen light bulbs because they can get very hot and ignite.
• Stay on the lookout for signs of a pending electrical fire: blown fuses, tripped circuits, burning smell, discolored sockets and flickering lights.
For HVAC maintenance, remember to:
• Keep a fire extinguisher near appliances.
• Have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home.
• Keep children away from portable electric or fuel heaters.
When dealing with plumbing related maintenance and issues:
• Store drain cleaners and other poisonous products away from children and pets.
• Switch out hazardous drain cleaners to non-toxic products, like our Bio Clean drain cleaner that’s actually safe enough to ingest.
• Keep flammable liquids away from stoves and fireplaces because the pilot light can ignite the fumes.
• Keep your water heater set to the manufacturer’s suggested 120 degrees to avoid the risk of burning yourself.
• Install a scald guard valve on shower heads to reduce risk of scalding water.
For more tips and helping hints on keeping your home safe, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.